Many credit cards today often have a very high interest rate or APR. They average around 30%, which is very high for an average income earner to afford. This is why many people are looking for low-interest credit cards like the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card to help save money on interest rates.
When looking for low-interest credit cards, it can be very difficult to find one with the best offers and everything else you need. Many low-interest credit cards are out there, but you should always look for the best.
This guide will teach you more about the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card and how to apply for it.
Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card Key Highlights and Features
What's great about the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card is that it offers more than just a very low interest rate for its cardholders.
There are still so many things that you can benefit from this amazing credit card.
Check out all the highlights and features of the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card down below.
Very Affordable Interest Rates
One of the main features of the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card is its very affordable interest rate. You can get as low as 10.9% APR on purchases on an assumed credit limit of £1200.
This means you can afford to purchase many items using this credit card and never worry about high-interest rates.
If you're earning a decent income, this is the best credit card for you. It allows you to save money while also allowing you to afford more and build your credit score.
Get More Rewards
With the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card, you get reward points every time you use the card at Tesco. Cardholders get as many as 5 points for every £4 spent at Tesco, 1 point for every £4 spent on Tesco fuel, and another point for every liter you add.
You then get 1 point for every £8 you spend on other transactions outside of Tesco. Once you have 100 points, you can redeem them for £1 in vouchers.
The more you use your card in every transaction, especially with its low interest rate, the more vouchers you can earn for your next visit to Tesco.
Fast and Secure Mobile Banking
The Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card also has a mobile banking app that you can download from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Link your card to your account so you can manage it at any time.
You can use the mobile banking app to check on your account, review all of the transactions, make transactions like paying your credit card statement, and many more.
It offers fast and secure mobile banking, so you don't have to go to a nearby branch to pay your credit card bill. The app also notifies you of all of the transactions made by your credit card.
Why Choose the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card?
There are several reasons why the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card is the best option for a low-interest credit card.
You get a very low rate, which means that you always get the most consistent deals from your purchaser. Unlike other credit cards with very high-interest rates, there is also less pressure to pay off your balance.
This credit card makes budgeting easier because you don't have to worry about very high costs. You are more likely to pay off your debt with this card, which will help improve your credit score, as it offers affordable rates.
If you want a credit card that can help you save money, the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card is the perfect one for you.
Contact Details
If you need assistance, you can always call 0345 300 4278 and speak to a customer service representative.
They will assist you with your concerns, especially regarding your account, lost or stolen card, suspected fraud, or if you simply have inquiries regarding using your credit card.
You can also visit any nearby Tesco Bank or their main office, located at 2 South Gyle Crescent Edinburgh EH12 9FQ.
How to Apply for the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card
When it comes to applying for the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card, you will need to check your eligibility first.
The official website has an eligibility checker you can use to find out if you are qualified for the card. You must also be 18 years old and a resident of the United Kingdom to apply for the card.
The eligibility checker will determine your interest rate as well as your qualifications before you can proceed to apply for the card.
The checker on the website will not impact your credit score, unlike other credit cards.
Applying for the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card Online
The online application process is highly recommended for those applying for the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card. It is fast and very convenient for applicants to process their online application.
Once you've completed the eligibility checker, you can apply for the card by filling out the online application form. Make sure to provide accurate details and review the terms and conditions before you submit.
Wait for the approval as they review your application. Your card will be sent to you by mail. Do not forget to activate your card before you use it.
Low-interest credit cards like the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card are fast becoming the go-to option for those who want an affordable rate. This kind of credit card makes it easier to budget without switching to different credit cards. Check out the Tesco Bank Low APR Credit Card and make sure to apply for one today!
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.